Saturday, December 12, 2009

Long distance relationship = no no for me..

Recently, a new love opportunity comes to me.. and the person is a nice person.. and I quite like the person.. however, I will never repeat my old mistake.. that is to commit myself into a long distance relationship.. because all my past relationships failed due to distance.. either physically or mentally.. im the kind of person who wants my someone to be right next to me.. but not clingy.. since clingy is one quality I despise the most.. get a grip.. onto yourself.. not to others okie.. haha.. I just want that person to be near me and I could always go to the person when I need support or just to share everything that is worth sharing.. that does not include money okie.. stingy me.. huhu.. and im thinking in that case, I might not be in love at all in this four upcoming years since im allergic to distance.. haha.. but I guessed it will be okie since I got all my friends.. and I might have someone special that will get the same treatment I treat those whom I love.. but I’ll never declare our relationship as partners since I might become quite pushy if the person is mine.. haha.. man, im cruel if I do that.. but maybe I will.. haha.. pity the unlucky person.. if there’s any la.. and as usual, I want somebody independent because im slightly dependent.. im independent when im alone, but seriously dependent when im with somebody.. lame.. but that’s just me.. will I find someone near to be loved and love me back? Only time will answer that although I will not entrust everything to time to determine.. im looking at my life positively now..

*I laughed a lot in this post, didn’t I?*