Wednesday, March 17, 2010

look or personality?.. which is your choice?

okie, to day suddenly i got an urge to write about this.. this is because i have been noticing the changes that i am going through right now.. back then, people always know me for being the boy who care less about the personality or behaviour of the partner as the main importance was placed on the look.. i admit that my pass relationship mostly consist of good looking people with serious behaviour problem.. narcissist, casual sex offender (although i never bow down to the person's needs, euw..), over jealousy, cheaters, bad mouth and professional swearer just to name a few bad behavioural problems.. but i stand by them because of their good looks and their head turning capability.. haha, i love trophies..

but currently, i start to look beneath the skin.. what is in their heart.. the personality appeals more to me lately.. okie, that was very sudden okie.. i did not see it coming at all.. all i know, i start liking people based on their behaviour, personality and charisma.. whatta?? this is so not me.. and seriously, the new people that i fond are mostly what people would say.. that is so common or are you sure you want that person?.. weird okie..

maybe because i had enough with people with good looks but poor character, better to find acceptable look with nice character.. maybe this time my heart wont be shattered into a million pieces anymore.. i hope..

*liking it*