Thursday, January 14, 2010

Im going to talk about.. Malaysian schools’ new literature texts.. part 2

This is a continuation to my previous post on Malaysian schools’ new literature texts.. if that day I have talked about literature components such as poems and short stories with the newly added drama.. today, im going to touch on the novels.. or should I call it graphic novels.. as stated in the syllabus..

When my lecturer came into the class holding a stack of books, I was wondering what was it.. later she explained that the books are the graphic novel that is going to be used in teaching students later.. and also our new textbooks.. from outside, it looks just the same as my old novel.. but wait until you opened them.. it was effing surprising.. it has so little writing and full of pictures.. in colours.. and you have several activities inside it.. let it be it concerns the story or English language.. what I mean is among the things that I remembered was there is a section on grammar and there is also a section about the story content.. and it cost way higher than what I used to pay because of the colour.. oh man, I was surprised.. flipping through the book, entitled “ The Boscombe Valley Mysteries” by sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I realized that what they were trying to do is to incorporate comics into study.. this is to grab students attention and finally make them finish the book.. I remember how student dreaded to finish the novels because it was so dull and boring.. this might be good improvement that they have done to the novels..

However, im not satisfied with the content of the book.. it is rather to childish for someone in secondary school to learn.. maybe it is because novels, this time will only be learned by form 1 students only.. but, I think I should be something heavier and could be discussed more on.. for example Moby Dick. Although it is a child story but the message is sp deep and could be discussed more.. but that is just my opinion.. I just feel like it has now turned not to say easier, but more direct than it used to be..

*thinking of how im going to love literature*